Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Temporary Blog Site

Hi Friends and Family!

In a few short hours we leave for the airport...to begin our journey to Colombia! Up until now we've kept you in the loop via our website (www.robertandholly.com) which we've run through our Mac computer at home. Since our laptop is a PC we cannot contine to updates via our website during our trip.

SO this will be our temporary home! We hope to have regular updates (can I wish for daily?! Don't hold me to it...) along with videos, photos, etc.

Come along on our journey with us...virtually at least!

We love you all!

The Dressel Familia
Robert & Holly
(and soon to be 3 more...)


Beth said...

Robert and Holly, we will be praying for you as you continue on your journey and watch your story unfold. Congratualtions and keep us updated! Beth (In process of adopting from Colombia) hollis-colombia.blogspot.com

Mrs. Hawk said...

I am so excited for you guys! Great news on the fundraising!!! WHOO-HOO!!! Know that we'll be praying for you! I miss you already. Love you both lots and can't wait to meet the kiddos!

Boyacheks said...

I am so excited for you guys! We will be praying for your new adventure and can't wait to see pictures and updates!!! I started a blog too, (theboyachekadventures.blogspot.com

Jose said...

yeeehaw....can't wait to hear your journey and see it....we are so excited for you. make sure and post pictures....welcome to the journey and the ride....enjoy Colombia...get some sleep...enjoy your final 48 hours as a childless couple.....maybe 30 hours by the time you read this.

Donna said...

Hi guys!!!

I will be praying for you also and hope you have a good trip down. I am so excited for you. Look forward to the postings and following your journey.

Unknown said...

Buenos Tardes, Holly & Roberto! See, I'm practicing my Spanish! Dad and I are so excited for you and we're praising God for his abundant blessings. Get some sleep while you can. We love you both! Mom and Dad Meadows

Kimberly H. said...

What amazing moments already shared and to be shared! I am so excited for you guys too. You will be in my thaughts and prayers. Give them all another big hug for me (cuz I am sure you'll give them thousands anyway!!!) God bless and take really good care. Love you guys. -Kimberly