Angie & Cousin Isabel ("Issy" - age 6)
Laura & Cousin Abby (age 11) with the bouquet of flowers they picked for our family to take home.
Angie & Issy dancing (notice Angie's flower?)
Laura on the way home from Grandma's Funeral Day - she exemplified what we all felt...exhaustion!
Thank you to those of you who left comments and were praying for our family. It was an exhausting and emotionally draining week. It feels good to get back into a regular routine this week. We rest in the knowledge that Grandma's feet are walking on streets of gold! The kids did well with processing the death. They asked many questions and seemed to understand. They grieved. They rejoiced too as we spoke of Grandma in heaven. It seems they are really beginning to grasp the truth of God's Word.
Robert did a wonderful job eulogizing his grandmother with perfect words. The day of her funeral was cold and rainy. But as the pastor pointed out - the rain shouldn't signify tears or sorrow, but NEW LIFE as he urged us to rejoice in the NEW LIFE Grandma has in heaven.
Thanks again! I hope to be back on a 'regular' posting schedule this week!
I just wanted to let you know I finally found your blog! I am enjoying it (great pictures!), but am also sorry for your family's loss.
Beautiful photos. Your girls are stunning!
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