Wednesday, March 26, 2008

New Look?!

Hey all, I messed around a bit on the layout of my blog today - adding some pics and other things. I have more I want to do - like figure out how to add some wording next to our family picture at the top of the page - anyone know how to do that?

But other than that, what do you think? I've learned I can add a slideshow I may look into that a bit later...

That's all for now - hoping to get an Easter post up this evening or early tomorrow!


Jose said...

no problem on the link.. THanks so much. What happened to your mac website??? are you just using blogspot from now on?

Beth said...

I love the family photo at the top! Seeing the photo from your Gatcha day is making me even more excited to travel!!

Laura S said...

Love the new look!