Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm Feeling the Heat!

Okay, this will be a short one (postscript: Okay, not so short...what can I say, I like to write!)...and no pics...YET!

I've been feeling the heat from our faithful blog readers about my failure to keep to my 'once a week' blog update over the last month! Sorry Lisa, Heather, and all you other blog faithful's out there...if I haven't lost you already! :)

I do have some WONDERFUL pics of the kids to post on here that I've been saving for weeks...some highlights include playing dress-up with the cousins, tubing at Buck Hill, Valentine's Day and more! There are also a couple of hilarious dance party videos to link you to as well! I really will get these things up here soon!

English acquisition is coming along...though slowly at times it seems. Sometimes I wonder if we are doing them a disservice to learning English by continuing to speak predominantly Spanish in our home. We don't want the children to lose their Spanish language roots, and we find that communicating in Spanish is especially helpful during cuddle/bonding times as well as explanation of consequences and expectations.

That being said, I think John is quite our linguist. He really understands so much more than we know...and he keeps us laughing when he suddenly and unexpectedly busts out in an English phrase! The above named dance party videos came about after John came home from school one day and did some of his classic Michael Jackson-ish moves while singing "Everybody Dance Now..." :) We happened to have the C&C Music Factory CD (a throwback to our college years) and we got it out and there have been dance parties regularly since! It is definitely John's new favorite song! Yesterday, Angie was saying something in 3 year old Spanish to my niece Ashley and Ashley was asking me, "Holly, what does 'Mami posa' mean?" and I kept thinking Mami posa...what could she be getting at...when John piped up and said "Mariposa...Butterfly"! He not only translated 3 year old Spanish, but translated it into English too!

Robert and I have found "English Dinners" to be fun at times too...this is when we declare a dinner hour "English only" for Mami & Papi. That means that we as parents only speak in English, but we tell the kids that if they aren't sure what we said that they can help each other figure it out. Sometimes Laura translates for Angie or John translates for both girls or all together they figure it out. We've been surprised when we've done English Dinners in the past as to how much they really do know.

I think we'll reach a tipping point soon where all of a sudden we'll see much more English acquisition and understanding flooding in!

In the meantime, keep checking for the pics and videos...I promise they will be worth the wait!


Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that the English learning is going well. I can't wait to hear them! Oh, and don't worry, you will never lose me as a blog reader! Send my love to my cousins and to Ashley, Robert, & PJ!
From, Heather

Laura S said...

Keep speaking spanish at home if you can. They will learn english soon enough from tv and school. We do split duty...Andres speaks spanish and I speake english (only because I don't know enough spanish to hold a conversation, but I am working on it). Mateo has about 20 words in his vocabulary and only about 5 are we still need to work on it more.

Glad to hear they are doing so well. Can't wait to see pictures!

Jose said...

love reading your blog..

you can change our contact info in your files to include our new web address.

our new blog is live. let me know what you think

Donna said...

You are doing better than us! Our last post was December. I wish our children had both Spanish and English, but in 7 short months, they do not remember Spanish. Glad to hear you are doing well and I will look forward to your pictures.

We have a new video to post. Look for it soon.

Donna Krebs

Jes said...

It is so interesting to read your blogs. I am completely amazed at the work and insight you and Robert demonstrate in communicating so that one language is not lost while another is learned. We are praying fo ryou guys!
Love you!

Genece said...

Holly and Robert,
So glad to check in on your family. Love to follow the updates! Our children mostly speak English to Rick and me, yet they primarily communicate with Marissa in broken spanish, which I think they do solely to appease Marissa into thinking she's actually somewhat of a fluent Spanish speaker. What a hoot my little ones are at times! I do entertain conversations with them completely in Spanish several times daily just to make sure they aren't losing their native language.

Keep up the good work!
Sending prayers your way!