Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter Week 2009

Catch up time again...

I'll be writing a few posts about some of the fun things we did during Easter Week this year. It was a special week for us for so many reasons. Always remembering Christ's death on the cross in order to bring us life AND his resurrection from the dead showing the grave could not hold him is an awe-filled thing to celebrate.

This Easter also marked the first time our whole family was able to travel down to Iowa to visit my extended family since LAST Easter! It was a LONG over-due trip! :)

The weekend preceding Easter the kids and spent some time coloring Easter eggs. We loved it, and they loved eating them later too! Here are some pics and videos!

PS - take note of Laura & John's longer hair in these some later Easter related posts you will see their spring haircuts!

Side Note: Juancho had been growing out his hair virtually all year in the hopes to achieve the 'skater hair' that his cousin Joel pulls off so well. But with Juancho's courser hair, it just seemed to get 'puffier'. I was more than fine with his decision to get it cut off...whew! :)

1 comment:

Laura S said...

Wow! They have gotten so big and look so grown up! Glad you are updating again. Hope everything is going well.